Sunday, July 24, 2011

LCD TV Making Popping Noise Crackling Sound

If your LCD, LED, or Plasma TV is making popping noises or cracking sounds, then your TV's capacitors are most likely dying. Eventually your TV will not turn on and youll be left with a black screen and a blinking stanby light. When this happens, your gonna either have to change the main board which will cost hundreds of dollars or you can just repair your TV by replacing the bad capacitors. Check out this video that will save you tons of money.


  1. I LOVE this item, it's so cute and good performance, all information are helpful, thank for sharing this!
    Television Prices

  2. Would this apply if my tv turns on, then pops/shorts out 5-10 times before it becomes stable? Im assuming the caps aren't being able to fully charge until it reaches its steady state.
